Never Pay Fees or Commissions For Online Orders,
Ever Again
Restaurateurs just like you are heavily considering using online ordering platforms, but are hesitant because of monthly fees or high commission payouts. After years of research and testing, I've found out how to accept online orders without needing to pay absurd amounts of one-time fees, recurring costs or percentage commissions.
Enroll in the course today.
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Fellow Restaurateurs Say:
Your fellow restaurateurs have fully completed this course and are happily accepting online orders for your restaurants without paying any extra fees or commissions. See what they have to say about their online ordering:
Jerry Beltramo
$579.40 in my first day!
I followed Wilson's instructions on how to create my online ordering website. He simplified the process and I didn't feel confused at any point. It was very straightforward and I got my online ordering set up in 2 hours! In that same day, I got $579.40 in orders.
Christa Ko
General Manager
Re-opened my restaurant business.
During the time of social distancing, the only way we could accept orders for pickup was through phone calls. Signing up with online ordering platforms wasn't an option for us because their service fees would cut into our margins too much. Now that I don't have to pay extra percentages or fixed fees, I'm getting more orders and keeping my margins!
Kevin Mok
Lowest Cost Online Ordering
Our stores were paying 20% to popular online ordering platforms. We were getting orders but the profit on each order was terrible! I decided to do something about it. I did my own research on online ordering platforms and couldn't find any that were easy to manage, in my full control and had minimal costs. Then I stumbled upon Wilson's course and followed his videos step by step. Now my tea business is thriving again thanks to him!