You might not be the type of business that likes to offer coupons.
Or you could be the exact opposite, and thrive off of coupons!
Either way, there’s a specific reason why people visit your business.
And its that exact reason that we are not only going to focus on today, but also learn how to duplicate so you can multiply your guest count every day from now on.
What has been your best customer acquisition strategy?
Well, you can test by using platforms that make it easy to offer coupons, deals and more.
The main examples being Yelp and Foursquare check-in where you can allow customers to claim a coupons deal or discount if they check-in to your business on the respective platform.
Try putting any type of offer on there. If you get a lot of claims, you know that coupon is a hit!
If that coupon is profitable for you (remember to calculate ltv!)
Then it’s very likely that you would want to get more people to find and use the coupon!
However the platforms you used to test the coupons are very limiting
Don’t get me wrong, it’s great that those platforms are free
I mean, you wouldn’t have been able to know that the coupon had potential unless you used their platform, right?
And you also don’t have to stop using the platforms
But if you really want to ramp up the coupon usage, you have to be in total control of how many people see the coupon, so then you can also control how many people actually use the coupon and drive sales to your business
You don’t have that kind of control on the test platforms you used
Well, first off, the way people find you in the first place is by using the platform’s search engine
Each platform’s search engine is different and some search engines even manipulate how you rank and how you show
For example, if for some reason you don’t have 4 or more stars on yelp, even if you rank high, your business will seem very unattractive and you won’t get people claiming your coupon anyway
On the other hand, if you do have 4 or more stars but you just don’t rank high enough in the search rankings, then no one will ever see how much other people love your business
With my 6 years of experience in the industry, i can go on and on about how great but also how limiting these 3rd party platforms can be
The lack of control on these platforms really restrict the success you could be having
So how do you duplicate the success of these coupons with a near-limitless ceiling of growth?
You use platforms that you are in full control of
Ex. your website, your email list, your phone number list
On these platforms, you can display everything great about your business, from your point of view
Without dealing with what other people think aren’t so great about your business
Imagine that!
You can also control the amount of people who see these platforms because you can advertise to